Find DUI Checkpoints in Humboldt CA

Date and TimeCityCheckpoint Location
January 1, 2025 From 6 PM to 10 PMEurekaDUI Checkpoint at an undisclosed location in Eureka city.
August 28, 2024, From 6 PM to 2 AMEurekaDUI/Driver License Checkpoint at an undisclosed location. By Eureka Police Department.


Important DUI Checkpoint Locations in Humboldt County, CA


  1. Location: 4th Street and Broadway Intersection
    • Details: DUI checkpoints in Eureka are often conducted by the Eureka Police Department, sometimes in collaboration with the California Highway Patrol (CHP). This location is strategically chosen for its proximity to downtown Eureka and various businesses. Checkpoints typically occur during evening hours, typically between 8 PM and 2 AM.
  2. Location: Harris Street and H Street Intersection
    • Details: Another common location for DUI checkpoints in Eureka is the intersection of Harris Street and H Street. This area is near the Eureka Mall and various residential neighborhoods. Checkpoints typically occur during evening hours, typically between 8 PM and 2 AM.


  1. Location: G Street and 7th Street Intersection
    • Details: DUI checkpoints in Arcata are often conducted by the Arcata Police Department, sometimes with assistance from the CHP. This location is strategically chosen for its proximity to Humboldt State University and various residential neighborhoods. Checkpoints typically occur during evening hours, typically between 8 PM and 2 AM.
  2. Location: Samoa Boulevard and K Street Intersection
    • Details: Another common location for DUI checkpoints in Arcata is the intersection of Samoa Boulevard and K Street. This area is near Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary and various businesses. Checkpoints typically occur during evening hours, typically between 8 PM and 2 AM.

Stay informed about DUI checkpoint locations and plan your travels accordingly to ensure safe and responsible driving in Humboldt County, CA.